Live From Rest podcast #39
Turning Big Challenges into Opportunities with Joshua Luke Smith

The problems life throws at you can be pretty big challenges. Some are incredibly tough, leaving you feeling lost, defeated, and uncertain about the future. These difficulties don't just affect us personally—they ripple out to impact those we care about most. Yet, no matter how daunting the big challenges may seem, there is always a way through.

In this episode of Live from Rest, Steve Smith is joined by his son and co-founder, Joshua Luke Smith, for a deeply reflective conversation that explores the theme of embracing life's big challenges as part of a transformative journey. The episode is centered around Joshua's new project, "This is the Main Event," which encourages us to see the life we've always longed for as hidden within the life we currently live, including all its struggles and imperfections. It’s particularly poignant for those who are in the midst of suffering and are searching for meaning and growth in their circumstances.

Join Steve Smith and Joshua Luke Smith as they explore how embracing life’s big challenges, rather than avoiding them, can lead to profound personal growth. 

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Gain a fresh perspective on how to face life’s challenges and to see difficulties not as obstacles to be avoided, but as opportunities to grow and become more.
  2. Understand how embracing suffering and hardships can build resilience, character, and ultimately, a more abundant and meaningful life.
  3. Learn practical insights and wisdom on navigating big challenges with tools and mantras to bolster your resolve.


Episode Highlights

Introduction to the Podcast and Live from Rest App

  • Steve Smith introduces the podcast and his co-founder, Joshua Luke Smith, highlighting Joshua's new project, "This is the Main Event."
  • The Live from Rest app is important in today’s busy world because it offers meditation rooted in Jesus's way.
  • Steve invites Joshua to share about his latest project and asks how he is doing.
  • Joshua acknowledges his busy schedule, mentioning his recent work on his second album and ongoing writing projects.

Origin of "This is the Main Event"

  • Joshua explains that "This is the Main Event" is a phrase adopted by him and his wife, Kara, during challenging times with their daughter.
  • He describes the feeling of being trapped in life's challenging moments and how they used the phrase to remind themselves to embrace their life fully.
  • The phrase became a mantra for many people, spreading through social media and friends.
  • Joshua reflects on the teachings of Jesus, emphasizing the importance of embracing suffering and sacrifice for a full life.

Embracing Suffering and Finding Abundance

  • Joshua discusses the concept of suffering and how it can lead to a fuller life when you meet even the big challenges with resilience.
  • Thomas Merton presents the idea that avoiding suffering can lead to even minor things becoming a significant source of pain.
  • Minor suffering can be found in everyday life, such as waiting in line or dealing with a difficult diagnosis.

Joshua: “The one who does the most to avoid suffering is, in the end, the one who suffers the most.”

  • Joshua highlights the importance of being present and embracing the moment, using his parents as an example of serving and finding abundance in caregiving.
  • Embracing suffering can lead to spiritual growth and hopefulness.

Navigating Tough Times and Finding Hope

Joshua: “Sometimes life is too bad to be true, and yet it still is.”

  • Steve asks how to embrace tough times, such as severe medical diagnoses or financial challenges.
  • Joshua clarifies that embracing suffering doesn't mean a naive positive outlook but allowing oneself to be formed by it into the person they most yearn to become.
  • He shares a story of his friend Eric, who lost his wife to breast cancer and found hope in his suffering by praying for his tears to be seeds of good.
  • Eric Liddell, who stayed in a Japanese prisoner camp during World War II, found joy in his suffering, thus becoming a symbol of perseverance and joy.

The Relationship Between Suffering and Hope

Joshua: “Every time I choose to embrace my suffering, the marble is being chipped away at, and the man in the marble is being revealed.”

  • Joshua explains the relationship between suffering and hope, referencing the apostle Paul's teachings on character and hope.
  • He emphasizes that hopefulness is directly related to one's suffering and that embracing suffering can lead to spiritual patience and endurance.
  • The metaphor of Michelangelo sculpting David from a block of marble illustrates how suffering can shape us into the person we dream of being.
  • He invites listeners to embrace their suffering as an opportunity for spiritual growth and to become the person they long to be.

Conclusion and Blessing

  • Steve reflects on the recurring theme of embracing suffering and the importance of living wholeheartedly.
  • Joshua shares a blessing, inviting listeners to embrace life's absurdities and obstacles and to become people of fullness.
  • The blessing covers various life situations, from big challenges to everyday trials, and emphasizes the importance of grace and hope.

About Joshua Luke

Joshua Luke Smith is a poet, writer, and co-founder of the Live from Rest app. Deeply rooted in his faith, Joshua weaves his passion for storytelling with the teachings of Jesus, offering a fresh perspective on navigating life’s big challenges.

Through his work, Joshua emphasizes the importance of embracing the present moment and finding meaning in everyday struggles. His approach combines ancient spiritual practices with modern-day reflections, guiding others to live a life of intentionality, peace, and resilience in a fast-paced world.

Connect with Joshua on Facebook and Instagram, or subscribe to his channel on YouTube. You can also visit his website.

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