Live From Rest podcast #38
Embracing Rock Bottom as a Turning Point with Tom Phelan

Steve Smith and Tom Phelan, explore the transformative journey of recovery. Steve and Tom shed light on the possibility of not just recovery but thriving beyond addiction. They discuss the power of hitting 'rock bottom' and how it can be the turning point for a new beginning. By listening to Steve and Tom's discussion, you'll gain a profound understanding of how recovery is not just about getting back to where you were, but about evolving into a stronger, more resilient version of yourself.

Join Steve Smith and Tom Phelan as they explore the steps to sustained recovery, the role of community and faith, and how hitting rock bottom might, in fact, be the catalyst for becoming something better.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Gain a deep understanding of how recovery from addiction can lead to a life that is not just restored but profoundly enriched.
  2. Understand practical steps and tools essential for achieving and maintaining long-term recovery from addiction.
  3. Learn how to find hope and encouragement from the real-life stories of individuals who rose up from rock bottom and turned their lives around after battling addiction.


Episode Highlights

Meeting Tom Phelan

  • He mentions his role as a substance misuse doctor and the Keys Project, which helps people with drug and alcohol issues into sustained recovery through Jesus
  • Tom Phelan, is Steve’s colleague from the Keys Project.
  • Tom Phelan introduces himself as a freelance musician who primarily plays gigs and records sessions in Brighton, London, and the UK.

Tom Phelan's Musical Career and Teaching

  • Tom Phelan elaborates on his busy schedule as a freelance musician, playing gigs and recording sessions both locally and internationally.
  • Tom briefly touches on his limited online teaching, which he enjoys doing when he has the time.
  • Steve Smith highlights the Keys Project's success in helping people achieve long-lasting recovery from drugs and alcohol, emphasizing the importance of hope in the recovery process.

Hope and Sustained Recovery

Tom: “Rock bottom is a gift... it’s a golden moment to move forward”

  • Sustained recovery is possible and can happen even in the most hopeless cases, leading to significant joy and flourishing.
  • Tom explains that reaching “rock bottom” can be a spiritual or psychological turning point rather than just a dramatic life event.
  • The suffering of early recovery can be less than the suffering of continuing with addiction, making the initial desperation a valuable gift.

Finding Recovery by Reaching Rock Bottom

Tom: “True recovery requires a change in operating system... we need a new operating system, and the disciplines involved in recovery create and wire up a new operating system in us.”

  • Maintaining the initial desperation and urgency for recovery becomes more challenging as time passes 
  • The concept of "healthy despair,” is introduced as a persistent loss of hope in the old lifestyle and one's own abilities
  • This feeling drives the need for connection with others and God.
  • Addiction can be devastating, but recovery can lead to a better quality of life.
  • Tom Phelan introduces the idea of a new operating system in recovery, which involves a change in desires and a new way of interacting with the world.

12 Steps to Living Out a New Identity

  • One of the challenges in living a new identity is in maintaining it in every moment. But abiding by your recovery helps change your operating system to become better.
  • Steve Smith mentions the 12 Steps and the potential concerns Christians might have about identifying as an addict or alcoholic.
  • The 12 Steps are not about the label of an addict; rather, it’s but about recognizing powerlessness and taking steps to regrow.
  • People in recovery need to balance avoiding harmful environments with taking advantage of the freedom in recovery.

Online Recovery Group and Its Impact

  • The Keys Project has helped many people achieve abstinence and a better way of living. It uses discussions, prayers, and the 12 Steps as a guide.
  • He mentions the group's success in helping people start their recovery journey and become key volunteers within the Keys Project.
  • Steve Smith encourages listeners to consider joining the online recovery group and shares the meeting details and contact information.

Rising from Rock Bottom

Tom: “There is hope. God wants us to be well... many of the most difficult cases are the ones that have the most inspiring stories.”

  • Steve Smith asks Tom Phelan for closing thoughts for those feeling hopeless about their addiction.
  • God has not given up on you, even if you feel you’ve hit rock bottom. The Keys Project offers hope and a solution.
  • Tom emphasizes the importance of taking the first steps and sticking with the recovery process to achieve lasting change.

About Tom Phelan

Tom Phelan is a dedicated freelance musician and a key member of the Keys Project, a charity focused on supporting individuals in achieving long-term recovery from addiction. With years of experience in both music and recovery work, Tom combines his passion for creativity with a commitment to helping others overcome the challenges of addiction.

As a strong advocate for the Key Project’s 12 Step program for beating recovery, Tom leads online recovery groups, offering guidance and support rooted in faith and community. His journey through recovery has not only shaped his own life but also inspired countless others to find hope and healing.

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