Live From Rest podcast #31
Transforming Adversity into Spiritual Growth with Steve Smith

In this episode of Live from Rest, host Steve Smith reflects on the timeless theme of finding peace amidst life’s trials. Drawing inspiration from the beloved hymn "It Is Well with My Soul," Steve explores the profound impact of maintaining an eternal perspective during moments of suffering and hardship. Steve recalls his friend Paul Stock, whose rendition of the hymn adds a deeply personal touch to the discussion. As he delves into the story behind the hymn and its author, Horatio Gates Spafford, listeners will gain insight into how enduring faith can transform even the darkest of circumstances

Join Steve for a reflective and inspiring story about the transformative power of spiritual growth and the importance of maintaining an eternal perspective in our journey toward peace and spiritual resilience.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

  1. Understand how maintaining an eternal perspective can transform how we view and handle life's challenges.
  2. Learn the moving story of Horatio Gates Spafford, the author of the hymn "It Is Well with My Soul," highlighting how his faith helped him endure unimaginable tragedy
  3. Discover how spiritual growth can improve your resilience and  mental health.


Episode Highlights

Background of the Hymn "It Is Well with My Soul"

  • Steve shares that his friend Paul Stock recorded a hymn called "It Is Well with My Soul," which is now available on the Live from Rest app.
  • He recounts how he and Paul sang this hymn together when they were missionaries in Pakistan.
  • The hymn has been repeatedly mentioned in recent days, prompting Steve to create this podcast episode.

Horatio Gates Spafford's Story

  • Horatio's business in Chicago was destroyed by the great fire of 1871, leading to significant financial difficulties.
  • Horatio’s family boarded the S.S. Ville du Havre to go on a vacation to Europe, but Horatio stayed back due to business matters.
  • Their ship collided with another vessel. Horatio’s four daughters drowned, but his wife Anna survived.
  • After receiving a telegram from Anna that read "saved alone," Horatio traveled to Europe and wrote the hymn at the site of the collision.
  • Steve emphasizes the hope and resilience conveyed through the hymn, despite the immense tragedy.

Steve: “Whatever circumstances we may be in, there is always, always hope.”

Paul's Perspective on Suffering and Spiritual Growth

  • Steve references Paul's writings in Romans and 2 Corinthians, highlighting Paul's experiences of suffering.
  • Paul describes his own hardships, including being beaten, shipwrecked, and facing various dangers.
  • Despite these challenges, Paul considered the sufferings of the present time as not worth comparing to the glory that would be revealed.

Spiritual Growth for Gratitude and Mental Health

  • Steve shares his own experiences of praying for friends facing difficult situations, including business and financial challenges.
  • He describes a mental image of scales, where the good things in life are weighed against the bad things.
  • Steve believes that an eternal perspective can change any situation, even the most challenging ones.

Steve: “It's possible for each one of us to have an eternal perspective that will change any and every situation, however difficult or challenging.”

  • Focus on the good things in your life; practicing gratitude can improve your mental well-being.
  • Steve acknowledges the difficulty of maintaining an eternal perspective during times of hardship but emphasizes its importance for spiritual growth.

The Eternal Perspective

  • Steve quotes Paul's words from 2 Corinthians, encouraging listeners to have an eternal perspective despite temporary afflictions.
  • Paul describes his sufferings as light and momentary, preparing for an eternal weight of glory beyond comparison.
  • Through this eternal perspective, we too can find the spiritual growth we need to grow beyond our suffering.

Steve: “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.”

  • Steve urges listeners to look beyond the transient things of this world and focus on the eternal glory that awaits them.
  • Horatio and Anna Spafford, despite their hardships, later moved to Jerusalem and established an orphanage and children's hospital.

About Steve Smith

Steve Smith is the co-founder of the Live from Rest Christian meditation app and a devoted advocate for spiritual well-being. With a deep passion for helping others find peace and resilience amidst life's inevitable challenges, Steve has become a trusted voice in the Christian community. As the host of the Live from Rest podcast, he offers listeners a calming and reflective space to explore their faith, encouraging them to embrace the ancient art of being. Steve's approach to spirituality is deeply rooted in his faith and a profound understanding of the importance of inner peace. He believes that in our fast-paced, often chaotic world, it's essential to create moments of stillness where one can connect with God and find solace. Through his podcast and meditation app, Steve guides his audience on a journey toward spiritual growth, providing them with the tools to practice gratitude and develop resilience.

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